Venkat's Moustache
Little Pragya is up to mischief as always. She runs away to hide when Venkat discovers what she's up to. How do Venkat and his friends catch her? How does Venkat handle his naughty little sister?

Venkat's Summer

Venkat and the Start of Summer
It's summer, it's hot, and Venkat is bored. Does he find a way to use his time well? Read this series of stories to find out!

The Forest - III

A Review...
Here's a link [https://swarajyamag.com/books/venkat-and-friends-a-delightful-book-for-both-kids-and-parents] to a wonderful review of Venkat and Friends on Swarajya. I'm so excited that I wanted to share a few excerpts below: > A thread that runs through the book is that most problems that children of this

Venkat, Pragya and Scooby too!
Venkat and Pragya hear the story of Amma's childhood pet, Scooby!

Venkat and Friends - The Book!
Dear Readers, Thank you so much for the love you have showed Venkat. I'm happy to announce that the first set of stories together with some new articles and activities is available as a book on Amazon and other e-platforms. Please do read, review and share with your
Animal Word Search Solution

Venkat is Rich!
Venkat has been saving his pocket money and gifts. And it has added up! What should he do with his money now?

Venkat the Scientist
Venkat and his new friend Aakash love science. They really want to build a rocket. Are they able to do it?

Venkat the Magician
Venkat is learning magic tricks. He wants to pull a mouse out of his hat at his sister's birthday. But the mouse has other plans!